PostgreSQL - WAL Insert
Created by: Mr Dk.
2024 / 10 / 02 01:04
Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
为什么需要 WAL 日志?
从根本上来说,当数据库的所有数据都在非易失性存储上时,才可以被认为是可靠的。当需要修改数据时,数据将会被装载到内存中并被处理。处理完毕后,理论上应该立刻被写回存储上,这样才可以保证对数据的修改被永久保留下来。但是由于存储的读写速度相对于内存来说慢了多个数量级,因此我们肯定不希望每对数据做了一点修改就立刻同步回存储,这样会很慢,数据修改的吞吐率将会很低。为了解决这个问题,常见的做法是把内存中被修改过的数据页标记为 dirty,让脏页保留在内存中,然后定期把脏页同步回存储。这样,绝大部分对数据的修改实际上都是纯内存操作了。
然而,内存是易失性存储,机器一掉电或崩溃,内存里的数据会立即丢失,所以数据在内存中是不可靠的。这种情况随时可能发生,比如机房进水 (敲木头呸呸呸)。。。OS Panic 等。此时,从上一次同步回存储,到故障发生时,对内存页面的所有修改都会丢失。存储上的数据可能也会是一个不一致的页面:比如 ext4 文件系统 的默认块大小是 4kB,PostgreSQL 的默认页大小是 8kB,断电发生时,可能文件系统只来得及向存储写完第一个 4kB。此时,这个 8kB 的 PostgreSQL 页在存储上是个半旧半新的损坏页面,既无法回退到全旧版本,也无法前进到全新版本。
上述问题都可以被 WAL 日志解决。WAL 日志全称 Write-Ahead Log,即 预写日志。在对数据做修改之前,必须先把本次要对数据做的修改记录到 WAL 日志中,然后再去修改内存中的数据。在事务提交时,数据可以不立即同步回存储,但是 WAL 日志必须已经同步到存储。这样即使数据库因为上述各种原因发生非预期内的关闭,内存中未被同步回存储的数据全部丢失,数据库在重新启动以后依旧可以通过 WAL 日志从合适的位置开始进行崩溃恢复 (crash recovery),根据日志中记录的内容 REDO,把存储上的数据恢复到正确、一致的状态。
此外,由于 WAL 日志中记录了对物理文件的所有修改,所以天然就可以被用于做数据库之间的复制 (replication),保持两份数据之间的同步。直接使用 WAL 日志进行的复制被称为物理复制,前提是复制两端需要对 WAL 日志格式有完全相同的理解;将 WAL 日志中的内容做进一步的解码和格式转换以后,可以得到任意格式(SQL、JSON、ProtoBuf、...)的逻辑数据变更,这种复制被称为逻辑复制。
由此可见,WAL 日志对数据库发生极端灾难时的可靠性、数据的正确性和一致性、数据库的主备复制,都有着重要的作用。带来的代价是,在数据库的日常运行中,每当需要对数据做修改时,都引入了额外的日志写入工作。这个开销极大决定了数据库的写入吞吐率。
本文基于 PostgreSQL 17 稳定版本分析 WAL 日志从产生到写入、落盘等一系列过程,以及 PostgreSQL 17 这些过程所做的一些优化。
多个进程会同时产生 WAL 日志,它们产生的每一条日志记录在日志文件中都需要是原子的、连续的,不能和其它记录相互穿插。另外,每个事务内并不需要每产生一条 WAL 日志就立刻向存储同步一次,只需要等到事务提交时一起 flush 就好了。因此,PostgreSQL 维护了一段称为 WAL Buffer 的共享内存,并设计了一系列元信息,控制这段内存的空间使用和向存储 flush 的进度,通过几种不同的锁保护 WAL buffer 的元信息。每个进程将会做如下三件事:
- 在 WAL buffer 中分配一段共享内存空间用于写入日志
- 将产生的日志内容拷贝到在 WAL buffer 中分配好的空间里
- 自行/等待后台进程将 WAL buffer 中的内容刷盘
* Insert an XLOG record represented by an already-constructed chain of data
* chunks. This is a low-level routine; to construct the WAL record header
* and data, use the higher-level routines in xloginsert.c.
* If 'fpw_lsn' is valid, it is the oldest LSN among the pages that this
* WAL record applies to, that were not included in the record as full page
* images. If fpw_lsn <= RedoRecPtr, the function does not perform the
* insertion and returns InvalidXLogRecPtr. The caller can then recalculate
* which pages need a full-page image, and retry. If fpw_lsn is invalid, the
* record is always inserted.
* 'flags' gives more in-depth control on the record being inserted. See
* XLogSetRecordFlags() for details.
* 'topxid_included' tells whether the top-transaction id is logged along with
* current subtransaction. See XLogRecordAssemble().
* The first XLogRecData in the chain must be for the record header, and its
* data must be MAXALIGNed. XLogInsertRecord fills in the xl_prev and
* xl_crc fields in the header, the rest of the header must already be filled
* by the caller.
* Returns XLOG pointer to end of record (beginning of next record).
* This can be used as LSN for data pages affected by the logged action.
* (LSN is the XLOG point up to which the XLOG must be flushed to disk
* before the data page can be written out. This implements the basic
* WAL rule "write the log before the data".)
XLogInsertRecord(XLogRecData *rdata,
XLogRecPtr fpw_lsn,
uint8 flags,
int num_fpi,
bool topxid_included)
/* ... */
* We have now done all the preparatory work we can without holding a
* lock or modifying shared state. From here on, inserting the new WAL
* record to the shared WAL buffer cache is a two-step process:
* 1. Reserve the right amount of space from the WAL. The current head of
* reserved space is kept in Insert->CurrBytePos, and is protected by
* insertpos_lck.
* 2. Copy the record to the reserved WAL space. This involves finding the
* correct WAL buffer containing the reserved space, and copying the
* record in place. This can be done concurrently in multiple processes.
* To keep track of which insertions are still in-progress, each concurrent
* inserter acquires an insertion lock. In addition to just indicating that
* an insertion is in progress, the lock tells others how far the inserter
* has progressed. There is a small fixed number of insertion locks,
* determined by NUM_XLOGINSERT_LOCKS. When an inserter crosses a page
* boundary, it updates the value stored in the lock to the how far it has
* inserted, to allow the previous buffer to be flushed.
* Holding onto an insertion lock also protects RedoRecPtr and
* fullPageWrites from changing until the insertion is finished.
* Step 2 can usually be done completely in parallel. If the required WAL
* page is not initialized yet, you have to grab WALBufMappingLock to
* initialize it, but the WAL writer tries to do that ahead of insertions
* to avoid that from happening in the critical path.
if (likely(class == WALINSERT_NORMAL))
/* ... */
* Reserve space for the record in the WAL. This also sets the xl_prev
* pointer.
ReserveXLogInsertLocation(rechdr->xl_tot_len, &StartPos, &EndPos,
/* Normal records are always inserted. */
inserted = true;
* In order to insert an XLOG_SWITCH record, we need to hold all of
* the WAL insertion locks, not just one, so that no one else can
* begin inserting a record until we've figured out how much space
* remains in the current WAL segment and claimed all of it.
* Nonetheless, this case is simpler than the normal cases handled
* below, which must check for changes in doPageWrites and RedoRecPtr.
* Those checks are only needed for records that can contain buffer
* references, and an XLOG_SWITCH record never does.
Assert(fpw_lsn == InvalidXLogRecPtr);
inserted = ReserveXLogSwitch(&StartPos, &EndPos, &rechdr->xl_prev);
* We need to update both the local and shared copies of RedoRecPtr,
* which means that we need to hold all the WAL insertion locks.
* However, there can't be any buffer references, so as above, we need
* not check RedoRecPtr before inserting the record; we just need to
* update it afterwards.
Assert(fpw_lsn == InvalidXLogRecPtr);
ReserveXLogInsertLocation(rechdr->xl_tot_len, &StartPos, &EndPos,
RedoRecPtr = Insert->RedoRecPtr = StartPos;
inserted = true;
if (inserted)
* Now that xl_prev has been filled in, calculate CRC of the record
* header.
rdata_crc = rechdr->xl_crc;
COMP_CRC32C(rdata_crc, rechdr, offsetof(XLogRecord, xl_crc));
rechdr->xl_crc = rdata_crc;
* All the record data, including the header, is now ready to be
* inserted. Copy the record in the space reserved.
StartPos, EndPos, insertTLI);
/* ... */
/* ... */
* Done! Let others know that we're finished.
/* ... */
WAL 日志空间分配
当进程需要写入一条 WAL 日志记录时,首先需要在 WAL 日志文件中分配预留空间,也即对应了在共享内存 WAL buffer 中预留空间。为了保证每条日志记录的原子性,分配预留空间的操作是必须是串行的,每次只能有一个进程操作当前已被分配的 WAL 日志位置指针。核心数据结构为 XLogCtlInsert
* Shared state data for WAL insertion.
typedef struct XLogCtlInsert
slock_t insertpos_lck; /* protects CurrBytePos and PrevBytePos */
* CurrBytePos is the end of reserved WAL. The next record will be
* inserted at that position. PrevBytePos is the start position of the
* previously inserted (or rather, reserved) record - it is copied to the
* prev-link of the next record. These are stored as "usable byte
* positions" rather than XLogRecPtrs (see XLogBytePosToRecPtr()).
uint64 CurrBytePos;
uint64 PrevBytePos;
/* ... */
} XLogCtlInsert;
和 PrevBytePos
共同表示当前已经分配完空间的最后一条 WAL 日志记录的区间,下一条 WAL 日志的分配应该从 CurrBytePos
开始。为确保空间分配的原子性,这两个字段由自旋锁 insertpos_lck
* Reserves the right amount of space for a record of given size from the WAL.
* *StartPos is set to the beginning of the reserved section, *EndPos to
* its end+1. *PrevPtr is set to the beginning of the previous record; it is
* used to set the xl_prev of this record.
* This is the performance critical part of XLogInsert that must be serialized
* across backends. The rest can happen mostly in parallel. Try to keep this
* section as short as possible, insertpos_lck can be heavily contended on a
* busy system.
* NB: The space calculation here must match the code in CopyXLogRecordToWAL,
* where we actually copy the record to the reserved space.
* NB: Testing shows that XLogInsertRecord runs faster if this code is inlined;
* however, because there are two call sites, the compiler is reluctant to
* inline. We use pg_attribute_always_inline here to try to convince it.
static pg_attribute_always_inline void
ReserveXLogInsertLocation(int size, XLogRecPtr *StartPos, XLogRecPtr *EndPos,
XLogRecPtr *PrevPtr)
XLogCtlInsert *Insert = &XLogCtl->Insert;
uint64 startbytepos;
uint64 endbytepos;
uint64 prevbytepos;
size = MAXALIGN(size);
/* All (non xlog-switch) records should contain data. */
Assert(size > SizeOfXLogRecord);
* The duration the spinlock needs to be held is minimized by minimizing
* the calculations that have to be done while holding the lock. The
* current tip of reserved WAL is kept in CurrBytePos, as a byte position
* that only counts "usable" bytes in WAL, that is, it excludes all WAL
* page headers. The mapping between "usable" byte positions and physical
* positions (XLogRecPtrs) can be done outside the locked region, and
* because the usable byte position doesn't include any headers, reserving
* X bytes from WAL is almost as simple as "CurrBytePos += X".
startbytepos = Insert->CurrBytePos;
endbytepos = startbytepos + size;
prevbytepos = Insert->PrevBytePos;
Insert->CurrBytePos = endbytepos;
Insert->PrevBytePos = startbytepos;
*StartPos = XLogBytePosToRecPtr(startbytepos);
*EndPos = XLogBytePosToEndRecPtr(endbytepos);
*PrevPtr = XLogBytePosToRecPtr(prevbytepos);
* Check that the conversions between "usable byte positions" and
* XLogRecPtrs work consistently in both directions.
Assert(XLogRecPtrToBytePos(*StartPos) == startbytepos);
Assert(XLogRecPtrToBytePos(*EndPos) == endbytepos);
Assert(XLogRecPtrToBytePos(*PrevPtr) == prevbytepos);
熟知的 pg_current_wal_insert_lsn()
也是通过上自旋锁以后获取到 CurrBytePos
* Get latest WAL insert pointer
XLogCtlInsert *Insert = &XLogCtl->Insert;
uint64 current_bytepos;
current_bytepos = Insert->CurrBytePos;
return XLogBytePosToRecPtr(current_bytepos);
拷贝日志到 WAL Buffer
在每个进程都通过前一步分配好自己独占的 WAL 日志空间后,就可以将自己要产生的 WAL 日志拷贝到与空间相对应的 WAL buffer 中。由于空间分配是串行的,各进程要拷贝的目标地址互不重合,因此可以并发。但是多进程在并行工作的时候依旧需要加不同的锁来保证正确性。
当进程要向 WAL buffer 中拷贝内容时,需要先加 WALInsertLock。
* Inserting to WAL is protected by a small fixed number of WAL insertion
* locks. To insert to the WAL, you must hold one of the locks - it doesn't
* matter which one. To lock out other concurrent insertions, you must hold
* of them. Each WAL insertion lock consists of a lightweight lock, plus an
* indicator of how far the insertion has progressed (insertingAt).
* The insertingAt values are read when a process wants to flush WAL from
* the in-memory buffers to disk, to check that all the insertions to the
* region the process is about to write out have finished. You could simply
* wait for all currently in-progress insertions to finish, but the
* insertingAt indicator allows you to ignore insertions to later in the WAL,
* so that you only wait for the insertions that are modifying the buffers
* you're about to write out.
* This isn't just an optimization. If all the WAL buffers are dirty, an
* inserter that's holding a WAL insert lock might need to evict an old WAL
* buffer, which requires flushing the WAL. If it's possible for an inserter
* to block on another inserter unnecessarily, deadlock can arise when two
* inserters holding a WAL insert lock wait for each other to finish their
* insertion.
* Small WAL records that don't cross a page boundary never update the value,
* the WAL record is just copied to the page and the lock is released. But
* to avoid the deadlock-scenario explained above, the indicator is always
* updated before sleeping while holding an insertion lock.
* lastImportantAt contains the LSN of the last important WAL record inserted
* using a given lock. This value is used to detect if there has been
* important WAL activity since the last time some action, like a checkpoint,
* was performed - allowing to not repeat the action if not. The LSN is
* updated for all insertions, unless the XLOG_MARK_UNIMPORTANT flag was
* set. lastImportantAt is never cleared, only overwritten by the LSN of newer
* records. Tracking the WAL activity directly in WALInsertLock has the
* advantage of not needing any additional locks to update the value.
typedef struct
LWLock lock;
pg_atomic_uint64 insertingAt;
XLogRecPtr lastImportantAt;
} WALInsertLock;
* All the WAL insertion locks are allocated as an array in shared memory. We
* force the array stride to be a power of 2, which saves a few cycles in
* indexing, but more importantly also ensures that individual slots don't
* cross cache line boundaries. (Of course, we have to also ensure that the
* array start address is suitably aligned.)
typedef union WALInsertLockPadded
WALInsertLock l;
} WALInsertLockPadded;
* Shared state data for WAL insertion.
typedef struct XLogCtlInsert
/* ... */
* WAL insertion locks.
WALInsertLockPadded *WALInsertLocks;
} XLogCtlInsert;
* Number of WAL insertion locks to use. A higher value allows more insertions
* to happen concurrently, but adds some CPU overhead to flushing the WAL,
* which needs to iterate all the locks.
这是一个固定数量的轻量级锁,锁内附带了一个 insertingAt
字段,表示当前持有锁的进程已经完成插入的位置。该字段表示,对当前进程来说,该位置之前的 WAL 日志已经可以被 flush 到存储上了。每个进程具体要使用哪一把 WALInsertLock 并不重要,这里是想通过锁的数量来控制并发插入 WAL 日志的进程数。
WALBufMappingLock 是一个单独的轻量级锁,当进程需要修改一块 WAL buffer 与一个 WAL 日志文件页面的映射关系时,需要独占持有该锁,防止并发进程重复初始化页面和修改映射。
* WALBufMappingLock: must be held to replace a page in the WAL buffer cache.
* It is only held while initializing and changing the mapping. If the
* contents of the buffer being replaced haven't been written yet, the mapping
* lock is released while the write is done, and reacquired afterwards.
单独的轻量级锁,在进程将 WAL buffer 中的内容同步到存储时独占使用。
* WALWriteLock: must be held to write WAL buffers to disk (XLogWrite or
* XLogFlush).
WAL Buffer
WAL buffer 由 XLogCtlData
结构中的三个字段维护,其大小受 wal_buffers
* Total shared-memory state for XLOG.
typedef struct XLogCtlData
/* ... */
* These values do not change after startup, although the pointed-to pages
* and xlblocks values certainly do. xlblocks values are protected by
* WALBufMappingLock.
char *pages; /* buffers for unwritten XLOG pages */
pg_atomic_uint64 *xlblocks; /* 1st byte ptr-s + XLOG_BLCKSZ */
int XLogCacheBlck; /* highest allocated xlog buffer index */
/* ... */
} XLogCtlData;
其中 XLogCacheBlck
用于标识 WAL buffer 的长度,pages
指向实际的 buffer 页面。原子变量 xlblocks
与每一块 WAL buffer 一一对应,表示与当前 WAL buffer 对应的 WAL 日志位置。
给定一个要插入的 WAL 日志位置,可以通过以下函数定位到对应的 WAL buffer 页面:
* Get a pointer to the right location in the WAL buffer containing the
* given XLogRecPtr.
* If the page is not initialized yet, it is initialized. That might require
* evicting an old dirty buffer from the buffer cache, which means I/O.
* The caller must ensure that the page containing the requested location
* isn't evicted yet, and won't be evicted. The way to ensure that is to
* hold onto a WAL insertion lock with the insertingAt position set to
* something <= ptr. GetXLogBuffer() will update insertingAt if it needs
* to evict an old page from the buffer. (This means that once you call
* GetXLogBuffer() with a given 'ptr', you must not access anything before
* that point anymore, and must not call GetXLogBuffer() with an older 'ptr'
* later, because older buffers might be recycled already)
static char *
GetXLogBuffer(XLogRecPtr ptr, TimeLineID tli)
/* ... */
* Fast path for the common case that we need to access again the same
* page as last time.
if (ptr / XLOG_BLCKSZ == cachedPage)
Assert(((XLogPageHeader) cachedPos)->xlp_magic == XLOG_PAGE_MAGIC);
Assert(((XLogPageHeader) cachedPos)->xlp_pageaddr == ptr - (ptr % XLOG_BLCKSZ));
return cachedPos + ptr % XLOG_BLCKSZ;
* The XLog buffer cache is organized so that a page is always loaded to a
* particular buffer. That way we can easily calculate the buffer a given
* page must be loaded into, from the XLogRecPtr alone.
idx = XLogRecPtrToBufIdx(ptr);
* See what page is loaded in the buffer at the moment. It could be the
* page we're looking for, or something older. It can't be anything newer
* - that would imply the page we're looking for has already been written
* out to disk and evicted, and the caller is responsible for making sure
* that doesn't happen.
* We don't hold a lock while we read the value. If someone is just about
* to initialize or has just initialized the page, it's possible that we
* get InvalidXLogRecPtr. That's ok, we'll grab the mapping lock (in
* AdvanceXLInsertBuffer) and retry if we see anything other than the page
* we're looking for.
expectedEndPtr = ptr;
expectedEndPtr += XLOG_BLCKSZ - ptr % XLOG_BLCKSZ;
endptr = pg_atomic_read_u64(&XLogCtl->xlblocks[idx]);
if (expectedEndPtr != endptr)
XLogRecPtr initializedUpto;
* Before calling AdvanceXLInsertBuffer(), which can block, let others
* know how far we're finished with inserting the record.
* NB: If 'ptr' points to just after the page header, advertise a
* position at the beginning of the page rather than 'ptr' itself. If
* there are no other insertions running, someone might try to flush
* up to our advertised location. If we advertised a position after
* the page header, someone might try to flush the page header, even
* though page might actually not be initialized yet. As the first
* inserter on the page, we are effectively responsible for making
* sure that it's initialized, before we let insertingAt to move past
* the page header.
/* ... */
AdvanceXLInsertBuffer(ptr, tli, false);
endptr = pg_atomic_read_u64(&XLogCtl->xlblocks[idx]);
/* ... */
* Make sure the initialization of the page is visible to us, and
* won't arrive later to overwrite the WAL data we write on the page.
/* ... */
对于要插入的 WAL 日志位置,根据 WAL 日志页面大小和 WAL buffer 的大小进行取模运算后,可以定位到对应的 WAL buffer 地址。然后再通过比较这块 buffer 的 xlblocks
确认当前 buffer 里的内容是不是属于当前 WAL 日志页面的。如果是,就可以直接使用;如果不是,则需要更新一下当前 WALInsertLock 上的 insertingAt
,表示在此之前的 WAL 日志已经可以被 flush 到存储了,然后再通过 AdvanceXLInsertBuffer
把当前的 buffer 给腾出来。
* Initialize XLOG buffers, writing out old buffers if they still contain
* unwritten data, upto the page containing 'upto'. Or if 'opportunistic' is
* true, initialize as many pages as we can without having to write out
* unwritten data. Any new pages are initialized to zeros, with pages headers
* initialized properly.
static void
AdvanceXLInsertBuffer(XLogRecPtr upto, TimeLineID tli, bool opportunistic)
XLogCtlInsert *Insert = &XLogCtl->Insert;
int nextidx;
XLogRecPtr OldPageRqstPtr;
XLogwrtRqst WriteRqst;
XLogRecPtr NewPageEndPtr = InvalidXLogRecPtr;
XLogRecPtr NewPageBeginPtr;
XLogPageHeader NewPage;
int npages pg_attribute_unused() = 0;
LWLockAcquire(WALBufMappingLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
* Now that we have the lock, check if someone initialized the page
* already.
while (upto >= XLogCtl->InitializedUpTo || opportunistic)
nextidx = XLogRecPtrToBufIdx(XLogCtl->InitializedUpTo);
* Get ending-offset of the buffer page we need to replace (this may
* be zero if the buffer hasn't been used yet). Fall through if it's
* already written out.
OldPageRqstPtr = pg_atomic_read_u64(&XLogCtl->xlblocks[nextidx]);
if (LogwrtResult.Write < OldPageRqstPtr)
* Nope, got work to do. If we just want to pre-initialize as much
* as we can without flushing, give up now.
if (opportunistic)
/* Advance shared memory write request position */
if (XLogCtl->LogwrtRqst.Write < OldPageRqstPtr)
XLogCtl->LogwrtRqst.Write = OldPageRqstPtr;
* Acquire an up-to-date LogwrtResult value and see if we still
* need to write it or if someone else already did.
if (LogwrtResult.Write < OldPageRqstPtr)
* Must acquire write lock. Release WALBufMappingLock first,
* to make sure that all insertions that we need to wait for
* can finish (up to this same position). Otherwise we risk
* deadlock.
LWLockAcquire(WALWriteLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
if (LogwrtResult.Write >= OldPageRqstPtr)
/* OK, someone wrote it already */
/* Have to write it ourselves */
WriteRqst.Write = OldPageRqstPtr;
WriteRqst.Flush = 0;
XLogWrite(WriteRqst, tli, false);
/* Re-acquire WALBufMappingLock and retry */
LWLockAcquire(WALBufMappingLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
* Now the next buffer slot is free and we can set it up to be the
* next output page.
NewPageBeginPtr = XLogCtl->InitializedUpTo;
NewPageEndPtr = NewPageBeginPtr + XLOG_BLCKSZ;
Assert(XLogRecPtrToBufIdx(NewPageBeginPtr) == nextidx);
NewPage = (XLogPageHeader) (XLogCtl->pages + nextidx * (Size) XLOG_BLCKSZ);
* Mark the xlblock with InvalidXLogRecPtr and issue a write barrier
* before initializing. Otherwise, the old page may be partially
* zeroed but look valid.
pg_atomic_write_u64(&XLogCtl->xlblocks[nextidx], InvalidXLogRecPtr);
/* init WAL ... */
* Make sure the initialization of the page becomes visible to others
* before the xlblocks update. GetXLogBuffer() reads xlblocks without
* holding a lock.
pg_atomic_write_u64(&XLogCtl->xlblocks[nextidx], NewPageEndPtr);
XLogCtl->InitializedUpTo = NewPageEndPtr;
该函数从 WAL buffer 中最老的页面开始检查,如果 WAL 日志的刷盘进度已经落后于当前 WAL buffer,则需要将当前的 WAL buffer 内容刷盘。如果 WAL buffer 页面还有正在进行中的拷入,则等待拷入完成。完成后,释放 WALBufMappingLock,然后独占 WALWriteLock 将日志写入到存储,然后再次获取 WALBufMappingLock 重试。直到当前要插入的 WAL buffer 页面可以被腾出来使用。页面腾空后,做必要的初始化然后返回。
借助上述函数和锁的支持,多个进程可以并发向 WAL buffer 中预留好的空间拷贝日志,完成写入。该函数主要借助上面的 GetXLogBuffer
* Subroutine of XLogInsertRecord. Copies a WAL record to an already-reserved
* area in the WAL.
static void
CopyXLogRecordToWAL(int write_len, bool isLogSwitch, XLogRecData *rdata,
XLogRecPtr StartPos, XLogRecPtr EndPos, TimeLineID tli)
/* ... */
此外,后台的 WAL Writer 进程也会周期性地调用 XLogBackgroundFlush
将 WAL buffer 中未被写入存储的页面刷到磁盘。刷盘完毕后,已被下刷完毕的 WAL buffer 页面可以被复用。这些 WAL buffer 将会被提前清零,预分配给后续的 WAL 日志写入使用。
* Write & flush xlog, but without specifying exactly where to.
* We normally write only completed blocks; but if there is nothing to do on
* that basis, we check for unwritten async commits in the current incomplete
* block, and write through the latest one of those. Thus, if async commits
* are not being used, we will write complete blocks only.
* If, based on the above, there's anything to write we do so immediately. But
* to avoid calling fsync, fdatasync et. al. at a rate that'd impact
* concurrent IO, we only flush WAL every wal_writer_delay ms, or if there's
* more than wal_writer_flush_after unflushed blocks.
* We can guarantee that async commits reach disk after at most three
* wal_writer_delay cycles. (When flushing complete blocks, we allow XLogWrite
* to write "flexibly", meaning it can stop at the end of the buffer ring;
* this makes a difference only with very high load or long wal_writer_delay,
* but imposes one extra cycle for the worst case for async commits.)
* This routine is invoked periodically by the background walwriter process.
* Returns true if there was any work to do, even if we skipped flushing due
* to wal_writer_delay/wal_writer_flush_after.
/* ... */
/* now wait for any in-progress insertions to finish and get write lock */
LWLockAcquire(WALWriteLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
if (WriteRqst.Write > LogwrtResult.Write ||
WriteRqst.Flush > LogwrtResult.Flush)
XLogWrite(WriteRqst, insertTLI, flexible);
/* wake up walsenders now that we've released heavily contended locks */
WalSndWakeupProcessRequests(true, !RecoveryInProgress());
* Great, done. To take some work off the critical path, try to initialize
* as many of the no-longer-needed WAL buffers for future use as we can.
AdvanceXLInsertBuffer(InvalidXLogRecPtr, insertTLI, true);
* If we determined that we need to write data, but somebody else
* wrote/flushed already, it should be considered as being active, to
* avoid hibernating too early.
return true;
在上面的流程中,可以看到对各级锁的获取与释放、对共享内存中 WAL buffer 的分配和使用、对日志空间分配/拷入/刷盘的共享状态的读取或更新,都是非常频繁的。为确保正确性需要频繁加锁。PostgreSQL 17 中优化了不少与 WAL 日志写入相关的共享状态信息。原先,不少状态变量需要被自旋锁保护,在 PostgreSQL 17 中被修改为使用原子变量。此后这些状态字段可以被多进程无锁地读写,相关代码被移出了由自旋锁保护的临界区。
这也为后续的其它优化提供了可能。比如 PostgreSQL 17 起物理复制的 WAL sender 进程支持直接从 WAL buffer 中消费 WAL 日志,以节省从磁盘读取日志的开销。在确认 WAL buffer 中的内容是否可用时,WAL sender 进程不需要加任何的锁,只需要在做内存拷贝的前后对 WAL buffer 的 xlblocks
进行两次原子读取,如果两次的结果相同,则说明本次内存拷贝的结果有效。这个过程对 WAL 日志的写入不会产生任何影响。但是如果像之前一样需要使用自旋锁来保证读写正确,则会对 WAL 日志的写入带来更多的锁冲突。
PostgreSQL Source Code - xlog.c
PostgreSQL: Documentation 17: 28.3. Write-Ahead Logging (WAL)