PostgreSQL - Executor: Nest Loop Join
Created by : Mr Dk.
2021 / 07 / 09 22:25
Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
PostgreSQL 中已经定义了如下几种逻辑 join 类型:
* JoinType -
* enums for types of relation joins
* JoinType determines the exact semantics of joining two relations using
* a matching qualification. For example, it tells what to do with a tuple
* that has no match in the other relation.
* This is needed in both parsenodes.h and plannodes.h, so put it here...
typedef enum JoinType
* The canonical kinds of joins according to the SQL JOIN syntax. Only
* these codes can appear in parser output (e.g., JoinExpr nodes).
JOIN_INNER, /* matching tuple pairs only */
JOIN_LEFT, /* pairs + unmatched LHS tuples */
JOIN_FULL, /* pairs + unmatched LHS + unmatched RHS */
JOIN_RIGHT, /* pairs + unmatched RHS tuples */
* Semijoins and anti-semijoins (as defined in relational theory) do not
* appear in the SQL JOIN syntax, but there are standard idioms for
* representing them (e.g., using EXISTS). The planner recognizes these
* cases and converts them to joins. So the planner and executor must
* support these codes. NOTE: in JOIN_SEMI output, it is unspecified
* which matching RHS row is joined to. In JOIN_ANTI output, the row is
* guaranteed to be null-extended.
JOIN_SEMI, /* 1 copy of each LHS row that has match(es) */
JOIN_ANTI, /* 1 copy of each LHS row that has no match */
* These codes are used internally in the planner, but are not supported
* by the executor (nor, indeed, by most of the planner).
JOIN_UNIQUE_OUTER, /* LHS path must be made unique */
JOIN_UNIQUE_INNER /* RHS path must be made unique */
* We might need additional join types someday.
} JoinType;
以 T1 JOIN T2 为例 (T1 为左,T2 为右):
- Inner join:内连接,T1 中所有元组与 T2 中 满足条件的元组 连接
- Left (outer) join:在内连接基础上,为找不到可连接 T2 元组的 T1 元组,用一个空元组连接
- Right (outer) join:在内连接基础上,为找不到可连接 T1 元组的 T2 元组,用一个空元组连接
- Full (outer) join:在内连接基础上,为找不到可连接的 T1/T2 元组,用一个空元组连接
- Semi join:当 T1 元组能够在 T2 中找到一个满足连接条件的元组时,返回 T1 元组,不连接,用于实现
- Anti join:当 T1 元组不能在 T2 中找到一个满足连接条件的元组时,返回 T1 元组与空元组的连接,用于实现
在 PostgreSQL 中,实现了以下三种物理 join 操作:
- Nest loop join:嵌套循环连接
- Merge join:归并连接,能够实现上述所有逻辑连接
- Hash join:哈希连接
Super Plan Node
Join 也对应一个计划节点,继承自 Plan
结构体。由于 join 操作涉及两个关系,显然节点的左右孩子都会被使用到。Join
/* ----------------
* Join node
* jointype: rule for joining tuples from left and right subtrees
* inner_unique each outer tuple can match to no more than one inner tuple
* joinqual: qual conditions that came from JOIN/ON or JOIN/USING
* (plan.qual contains conditions that came from WHERE)
* When jointype is INNER, joinqual and plan.qual are semantically
* interchangeable. For OUTER jointypes, the two are *not* interchangeable;
* only joinqual is used to determine whether a match has been found for
* the purpose of deciding whether to generate null-extended tuples.
* (But plan.qual is still applied before actually returning a tuple.)
* For an outer join, only joinquals are allowed to be used as the merge
* or hash condition of a merge or hash join.
* inner_unique is set if the joinquals are such that no more than one inner
* tuple could match any given outer tuple. This allows the executor to
* skip searching for additional matches. (This must be provable from just
* the joinquals, ignoring plan.qual, due to where the executor tests it.)
* ----------------
typedef struct Join
Plan plan;
JoinType jointype;
bool inner_unique;
List *joinqual; /* JOIN quals (in addition to plan.qual) */
} Join;
指示只有一个内元组会和外元组匹配 (执行器可以根据这个标志快速结束一轮内循环)joinqual
Super Plan State
Join 节点的 plan state 也继承自 PlanState
结构,里面的内容基本上是 Join
/* ----------------
* JoinState information
* Superclass for state nodes of join plans.
* ----------------
typedef struct JoinState
PlanState ps;
JoinType jointype;
bool single_match; /* True if we should skip to next outer tuple
* after finding one inner match */
ExprState *joinqual; /* JOIN quals (in addition to ps.qual) */
} JoinState;
Nest Loop Join
Plan Node
首先观察嵌套循环连接的计划节点结构。除了扩展了一个参数以外,完全继承自 Join
/* ----------------
* nest loop join node
* The nestParams list identifies any executor Params that must be passed
* into execution of the inner subplan carrying values from the current row
* of the outer subplan. Currently we restrict these values to be simple
* Vars, but perhaps someday that'd be worth relaxing. (Note: during plan
* creation, the paramval can actually be a PlaceHolderVar expression; but it
* must be a Var with varno OUTER_VAR by the time it gets to the executor.)
* ----------------
typedef struct NestLoop
Join join;
List *nestParams; /* list of NestLoopParam nodes */
} NestLoop;
typedef struct NestLoopParam
NodeTag type;
int paramno; /* number of the PARAM_EXEC Param to set */
Var *paramval; /* outer-relation Var to assign to Param */
} NestLoopParam;
其中扩展的 nestParams
Plan State
嵌套循环连接的 plan state 定义如下:
/* ----------------
* NestLoopState information
* NeedNewOuter true if need new outer tuple on next call
* MatchedOuter true if found a join match for current outer tuple
* NullInnerTupleSlot prepared null tuple for left outer joins
* ----------------
typedef struct NestLoopState
JoinState js; /* its first field is NodeTag */
bool nl_NeedNewOuter;
bool nl_MatchedOuter;
TupleTableSlot *nl_NullInnerTupleSlot;
} NestLoopState;
指示是否需要下一个外层循环元组 (即内层循环是否结束)nl_MatchedOuter
Executor Initialization
在 ExecInitNode()
生命周期中调用 ExecInitNestLoop
- 首先构造一个
节点,为 plan state 节点设置好执行回调函数 - 为节点创建表达式上下文
- 分别为左右孩子节点 (join 两侧的 relation) 递归调用
- 初始化返回元组槽,初始化投影信息
- 初始化选择条件 (包括节点自己的和 join 中扩展的)
- 在 plan state 中设置 join 类型
- 根据 join 类型,设置 plan state 中的
- 根据 join 类型,对左外连接和反连接,初始化用于 join 的空元组
- 初始化
为连接开始前的初始状态 (需要获取第一个外层元组,外层元组还未找到一个匹配的内层元组)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* ExecInitNestLoop
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
NestLoopState *
ExecInitNestLoop(NestLoop *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
NestLoopState *nlstate;
/* check for unsupported flags */
Assert(!(eflags & (EXEC_FLAG_BACKWARD | EXEC_FLAG_MARK)));
NL1_printf("ExecInitNestLoop: %s\n",
"initializing node");
* create state structure
nlstate = makeNode(NestLoopState);
nlstate-> = (Plan *) node;
nlstate-> = estate;
nlstate-> = ExecNestLoop;
* Miscellaneous initialization
* create expression context for node
ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &nlstate->;
* initialize child nodes
* If we have no parameters to pass into the inner rel from the outer,
* tell the inner child that cheap rescans would be good. If we do have
* such parameters, then there is no point in REWIND support at all in the
* inner child, because it will always be rescanned with fresh parameter
* values.
outerPlanState(nlstate) = ExecInitNode(outerPlan(node), estate, eflags);
if (node->nestParams == NIL)
eflags &= ~EXEC_FLAG_REWIND;
innerPlanState(nlstate) = ExecInitNode(innerPlan(node), estate, eflags);
* Initialize result slot, type and projection.
ExecInitResultTupleSlotTL(&nlstate->, &TTSOpsVirtual);
ExecAssignProjectionInfo(&nlstate->, NULL);
* initialize child expressions
nlstate-> =
ExecInitQual(node->join.plan.qual, (PlanState *) nlstate);
nlstate->js.jointype = node->join.jointype;
nlstate->js.joinqual =
ExecInitQual(node->join.joinqual, (PlanState *) nlstate);
* detect whether we need only consider the first matching inner tuple
nlstate->js.single_match = (node->join.inner_unique ||
node->join.jointype == JOIN_SEMI);
/* set up null tuples for outer joins, if needed */
switch (node->join.jointype)
nlstate->nl_NullInnerTupleSlot =
elog(ERROR, "unrecognized join type: %d",
(int) node->join.jointype);
* finally, wipe the current outer tuple clean.
nlstate->nl_NeedNewOuter = true;
nlstate->nl_MatchedOuter = false;
NL1_printf("ExecInitNestLoop: %s\n",
"node initialized");
return nlstate;
在 ExecProcNode()
生命周期中调用 ExecNestLoop()
- 如果需要,首先对左孩子递归调用
获取一个外层循环元组 - 设置好暂不需要外层元组的标志,将外层循环的参数传入内层元组
- 开始对右孩子递归调用
获取一个内层循环元组- 如果内层循环元组为空,那么说明内层循环结束,需要外层循环的前进到下一个元组了;但需要查看一下外层循环元组是否匹配过内层循环元组,如果没有,且连接类型为左外连接或反连接,那么就将空元组作为内层循环元组与外层循环元组做一次 join,如果能够通过 plan node 的选择条件,就投影并返回
- 如果内层循环元组不为空,那么判断是否通过
结构中定义的选择条件,如果通过则找到了一对可以 join 的内外层元组- 设置外层循环元组的
(已被内层循环元组匹配过) - 如果是 anti join,由于外层循环元组已经被成功匹配,因此外层循环可以推进到下一个元组了
- 如果 join 被设置为
- 如果能够通过 plan node 中的选择条件,则投影并返回
- 设置外层循环元组的
循环结束,两个关系中的所有元组都被 join 完毕。
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* ExecNestLoop(node)
* old comments
* Returns the tuple joined from inner and outer tuples which
* satisfies the qualification clause.
* It scans the inner relation to join with current outer tuple.
* If none is found, next tuple from the outer relation is retrieved
* and the inner relation is scanned from the beginning again to join
* with the outer tuple.
* NULL is returned if all the remaining outer tuples are tried and
* all fail to join with the inner tuples.
* NULL is also returned if there is no tuple from inner relation.
* Conditions:
* -- outerTuple contains current tuple from outer relation and
* the right son(inner relation) maintains "cursor" at the tuple
* returned previously.
* This is achieved by maintaining a scan position on the outer
* relation.
* Initial States:
* -- the outer child and the inner child
* are prepared to return the first tuple.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
static TupleTableSlot *
ExecNestLoop(PlanState *pstate)
NestLoopState *node = castNode(NestLoopState, pstate);
NestLoop *nl;
PlanState *innerPlan;
PlanState *outerPlan;
TupleTableSlot *outerTupleSlot;
TupleTableSlot *innerTupleSlot;
ExprState *joinqual;
ExprState *otherqual;
ExprContext *econtext;
ListCell *lc;
* get information from the node
ENL1_printf("getting info from node");
nl = (NestLoop *) node->;
joinqual = node->js.joinqual;
otherqual = node->;
outerPlan = outerPlanState(node);
innerPlan = innerPlanState(node);
econtext = node->;
* Reset per-tuple memory context to free any expression evaluation
* storage allocated in the previous tuple cycle.
* Ok, everything is setup for the join so now loop until we return a
* qualifying join tuple.
ENL1_printf("entering main loop");
for (;;)
* If we don't have an outer tuple, get the next one and reset the
* inner scan.
if (node->nl_NeedNewOuter)
ENL1_printf("getting new outer tuple");
outerTupleSlot = ExecProcNode(outerPlan);
* if there are no more outer tuples, then the join is complete..
if (TupIsNull(outerTupleSlot))
ENL1_printf("no outer tuple, ending join");
return NULL;
ENL1_printf("saving new outer tuple information");
econtext->ecxt_outertuple = outerTupleSlot;
node->nl_NeedNewOuter = false;
node->nl_MatchedOuter = false;
* fetch the values of any outer Vars that must be passed to the
* inner scan, and store them in the appropriate PARAM_EXEC slots.
foreach(lc, nl->nestParams)
NestLoopParam *nlp = (NestLoopParam *) lfirst(lc);
int paramno = nlp->paramno;
ParamExecData *prm;
prm = &(econtext->ecxt_param_exec_vals[paramno]);
/* Param value should be an OUTER_VAR var */
Assert(IsA(nlp->paramval, Var));
Assert(nlp->paramval->varno == OUTER_VAR);
Assert(nlp->paramval->varattno > 0);
prm->value = slot_getattr(outerTupleSlot,
/* Flag parameter value as changed */
innerPlan->chgParam = bms_add_member(innerPlan->chgParam,
* now rescan the inner plan
ENL1_printf("rescanning inner plan");
* we have an outerTuple, try to get the next inner tuple.
ENL1_printf("getting new inner tuple");
innerTupleSlot = ExecProcNode(innerPlan);
econtext->ecxt_innertuple = innerTupleSlot;
if (TupIsNull(innerTupleSlot))
ENL1_printf("no inner tuple, need new outer tuple");
node->nl_NeedNewOuter = true;
if (!node->nl_MatchedOuter &&
(node->js.jointype == JOIN_LEFT ||
node->js.jointype == JOIN_ANTI))
* We are doing an outer join and there were no join matches
* for this outer tuple. Generate a fake join tuple with
* nulls for the inner tuple, and return it if it passes the
* non-join quals.
econtext->ecxt_innertuple = node->nl_NullInnerTupleSlot;
ENL1_printf("testing qualification for outer-join tuple");
if (otherqual == NULL || ExecQual(otherqual, econtext))
* qualification was satisfied so we project and return
* the slot containing the result tuple using
* ExecProject().
ENL1_printf("qualification succeeded, projecting tuple");
return ExecProject(node->;
InstrCountFiltered2(node, 1);
* Otherwise just return to top of loop for a new outer tuple.
* at this point we have a new pair of inner and outer tuples so we
* test the inner and outer tuples to see if they satisfy the node's
* qualification.
* Only the joinquals determine MatchedOuter status, but all quals
* must pass to actually return the tuple.
ENL1_printf("testing qualification");
if (ExecQual(joinqual, econtext))
node->nl_MatchedOuter = true;
/* In an antijoin, we never return a matched tuple */
if (node->js.jointype == JOIN_ANTI)
node->nl_NeedNewOuter = true;
continue; /* return to top of loop */
* If we only need to join to the first matching inner tuple, then
* consider returning this one, but after that continue with next
* outer tuple.
if (node->js.single_match)
node->nl_NeedNewOuter = true;
if (otherqual == NULL || ExecQual(otherqual, econtext))
* qualification was satisfied so we project and return the
* slot containing the result tuple using ExecProject().
ENL1_printf("qualification succeeded, projecting tuple");
return ExecProject(node->;
InstrCountFiltered2(node, 1);
InstrCountFiltered1(node, 1);
* Tuple fails qual, so free per-tuple memory and try again.
ENL1_printf("qualification failed, looping");
Executor End
在 ExecEndNode()
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* ExecEndNestLoop
* closes down scans and frees allocated storage
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecEndNestLoop(NestLoopState *node)
NL1_printf("ExecEndNestLoop: %s\n",
"ending node processing");
* Free the exprcontext
* clean out the tuple table
* close down subplans
NL1_printf("ExecEndNestLoop: %s\n",
"node processing ended");
为什么嵌套循环连接不能实现 right outer join 和 full outer join 呢?这是它固有的实现决定的。由于左关系在外层循环,右关系在内层循环,左关系重复扫描右关系,因此左连接元组的所有扫描是连续的、stateful 的,可以获知左连接元组是否在右关系中找到了匹配元组;而右连接元组的所有扫描是离散的、stateless 的,不可获知右连接元组是否与左关系存在匹配 (除非用额外的空间记录?)。