Abstract Class - java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater
Created by : Mr Dk.
2020 / 06 / 08 19:00
Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
该类通过 反射 的方式,原子地更新某个指定类中的指定 volatile int
在使用时,给出一个类,以及类中某个 volatile int
field 的名称字符串,该类中的函数可以通过反射找到指定的 field,然后调用类中的函数来原子地更新这个 field。
* A reflection-based utility that enables atomic updates to
* designated {@code volatile int} fields of designated classes.
* This class is designed for use in atomic data structures in which
* several fields of the same node are independently subject to atomic
* updates.
* <p>Note that the guarantees of the {@code compareAndSet}
* method in this class are weaker than in other atomic classes.
* Because this class cannot ensure that all uses of the field
* are appropriate for purposes of atomic access, it can
* guarantee atomicity only with respect to other invocations of
* {@code compareAndSet} and {@code set} on the same updater.
* @since 1.5
* @author Doug Lea
* @param <T> The type of the object holding the updatable field
public abstract class AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<T> {
获得该类的实例。可以看到,需要传入的参数有目标类的 Class
对象,以及目标 field 的名称:
* Creates and returns an updater for objects with the given field.
* The Class argument is needed to check that reflective types and
* generic types match.
* @param tclass the class of the objects holding the field
* @param fieldName the name of the field to be updated
* @param <U> the type of instances of tclass
* @return the updater
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the field is not a
* volatile integer type
* @throws RuntimeException with a nested reflection-based
* exception if the class does not hold field or is the wrong type,
* or the field is inaccessible to the caller according to Java language
* access control
public static <U> AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<U> newUpdater(Class<U> tclass,
String fieldName) {
return new AtomicIntegerFieldUpdaterImpl<U>
(tclass, fieldName, Reflection.getCallerClass());
* Protected do-nothing constructor for use by subclasses.
protected AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater() {
该类的剩余部分定义了与 AtomicInteger
相同的抽象或非抽象函数。其中,抽象的函数由一个内部实现类 AtomicIntegerFieldUpdaterImpl
* Standard hotspot implementation using intrinsics.
private static final class AtomicIntegerFieldUpdaterImpl<T>
extends AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<T> {
private static final sun.misc.Unsafe U = sun.misc.Unsafe.getUnsafe();
private final long offset;
* if field is protected, the subclass constructing updater, else
* the same as tclass
private final Class<?> cclass;
/** class holding the field */
private final Class<T> tclass;
// ...
其中,构造函数主要完成 鉴权 的工作,判断指定的类中要被更新的 field 是否符合可以被更新的条件:
- 首先,通过反射取得 field
- 获取 field 的修饰符并验证是否可以被更新
- 验证包名 (子类或相邻包中的类才能更新
修饰的 field) - 确认被更新的 field 是
volatile int
AtomicIntegerFieldUpdaterImpl(final Class<T> tclass,
final String fieldName,
final Class<?> caller) {
final Field field;
final int modifiers;
try {
field = AccessController.doPrivileged(
new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Field>() {
public Field run() throws NoSuchFieldException {
return tclass.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
modifiers = field.getModifiers();
caller, tclass, null, modifiers);
ClassLoader cl = tclass.getClassLoader();
ClassLoader ccl = caller.getClassLoader();
if ((ccl != null) && (ccl != cl) &&
((cl == null) || !isAncestor(cl, ccl))) {
} catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) {
throw new RuntimeException(pae.getException());
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
if (field.getType() != int.class)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must be integer type");
if (!Modifier.isVolatile(modifiers))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must be volatile type");
// Access to protected field members is restricted to receivers only
// of the accessing class, or one of its subclasses, and the
// accessing class must in turn be a subclass (or package sibling)
// of the protected member's defining class.
// If the updater refers to a protected field of a declaring class
// outside the current package, the receiver argument will be
// narrowed to the type of the accessing class.
this.cclass = (Modifier.isProtected(modifiers) &&
tclass.isAssignableFrom(caller) &&
!isSamePackage(tclass, caller))
? caller : tclass;
this.tclass = tclass;
this.offset = U.objectFieldOffset(field);
* Returns true if the second classloader can be found in the first
* classloader's delegation chain.
* Equivalent to the inaccessible: first.isAncestor(second).
private static boolean isAncestor(ClassLoader first, ClassLoader second) {
ClassLoader acl = first;
do {
acl = acl.getParent();
if (second == acl) {
return true;
} while (acl != null);
return false;
* Returns true if the two classes have the same class loader and
* package qualifier
private static boolean isSamePackage(Class<?> class1, Class<?> class2) {
return class1.getClassLoader() == class2.getClassLoader()
&& Objects.equals(getPackageName(class1), getPackageName(class2));
private static String getPackageName(Class<?> cls) {
String cn = cls.getName();
int dot = cn.lastIndexOf('.');
return (dot != -1) ? cn.substring(0, dot) : "";
剩余函数基本与 AtomicInteger
中的函数相同。唯一的区别是,在调用 Unsafe
类封装的函数前,需要对目标类的 Class
对象实例进行类型验证。以 CAS 函数为例:
* Checks that target argument is instance of cclass. On
* failure, throws cause.
private final void accessCheck(T obj) {
if (!cclass.isInstance(obj))
* Throws access exception if accessCheck failed due to
* protected access, else ClassCastException.
private final void throwAccessCheckException(T obj) {
if (cclass == tclass)
throw new ClassCastException();
throw new RuntimeException(
new IllegalAccessException(
"Class " +
cclass.getName() +
" can not access a protected member of class " +
tclass.getName() +
" using an instance of " +
public final boolean compareAndSet(T obj, int expect, int update) {
return U.compareAndSwapInt(obj, offset, expect, update);